"Called Out to Speak Out"

Aug 23, 2020    Matthew Temple

"Called Out to Speak Out"

Last week, Called Out To Stand Out!
Its not just enough to stand out! We must speak out!

What are you doing to influence the life of those around you?
*Power of Influence
*John 1:33 - 37

* John had spent a large amount of time with these two men. Building a relationship with them.
* Just by the testimony of John the Baptist, two men followed Christ.

Those we influence through connections and relationships.

* Family
* Friends
* Co-workers
* How are you influencing those that are around you?

*Taking the Gospel to others. Speak Truth*
The story of the Samaritan Women
John 4

* Jesus speaks truth to her. John 4:13
Relate to relationships and stand out, speak out.

Speak Truth can be:

* The Gospel
* Accountability John 4:16 (Funny)

All this is so others can have an encounter with Jesus

*Encounter with Jesus*
John 1:42 Encounter with Jesus Just like the woman at the well.
Andrew to Peter Changed everything about Peter

!Be Gods mouth piece!
You don't have to be a preacher to have a crowd follow you. Look at the woman!
John 4:39 - 41 Many Samaritans
God has called us to speak out! So others may come to know Him.

*Tangible people! Testimony
In both stories the beginning was about the testamony but the end was about the experience. *


John 4:42